Saturday April 19th 3:15 & 5:00 pm
Sunday April 20th 8:45, 10:30 & 12:00pm
We will have FIVE services for you to choose from:
Yes! All 5 services will have Easter programs for all ages.
Starting at 6 months old and continuing through 5th grade, all kids' areas will feature EASTER JAM—a special age-appropriate celebration with crafts and games, all pointing to Jesus.
We have ensured that our building is accessible to people of all abilities.
We have ramps for wheelchairs and sign language for the hearing impaired during Sunday's 10:30 a.m. service.
We also have Russian translation for the 12:15pm service via headphone units.
Come exactly as you are, don’t dress up or down for anyone.
If you cannot attend our in-person services, you have the option to watch them live or view it later on our YouTube channel.
We will be streaming live on Saturday at 5:00pm and Sunday at 10:30am.
Don’t forget to join us in person on Friday at 12pm, and start Easter Weekend by remembering the cross and all that Jesus experienced on the cross - for us! Children are welcome to join parents for this family service.
During each Easter service, our children’s areas will feature age-appropriate programs filled with games, activities, and fun—all focusing on the true reason we celebrate Easter: our Risen Savior, Jesus! If you are visiting for the first time, pre-register your kids to attend!
Download and share about Easter at Connect with friends and family via text, email & social media! Download digital invites here!